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Journey to Italia

Photography, book design

Journey to Italia is a book that documents my travel to Italy in 2014. It included personal anecdotes and well as information about art history in Tuscany and Rome. It was made as a personal keepsake and also an educational tool. I wanted to educate the reader about some of the basic geography of Italy and visually show in green the places that I visited. I also included a table of contents so they can easily find a section that they may want to review again. Each section is a two page spread that covers a specific theme that gives details about my experience and things I found interesting. The idea is to really capture my experience there in not just images but also with fun facts and anecdotes. Most spreads have backgrounds with an image in them; I chose to do this to give the reader a sense of the setting of the place, while also showing the details. I encourage readers to take time to look at each page to see the different details. 

This book was made with Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator on a PC and printed with Blurb.

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